Company overview

Head office 8-5 Hatchobori 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 104-0032
Major lines of business
    1.Research, planning, design, management, and execution related to all aspects of architectural and civil engineering comprehensive engineering and consulting related thereto
    2.Research, planning, design, management, and execution related to local development, urban development, etc.; comprehensive engineering and consulting related thereto
    3.Real estate sale and purchase, rental, intermediary services, management, and appraisal
Created January 5, 1881
Established July 10, 1936
Capital 23.0 billion yen (as of March 31,2023)
Number of employees 4,215(as of March 31,2023)
Global Business Administration Division 20-8 Hatchobori 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 104-0032
Technology Institute Toda Institude of Construction Technology
315,Kaname,Tsukuba City,Ibaraki 300-2622,Japan
Branch Tokyo / Metropalitan Area Civil Engineering / Chiba / Kanto / Yokohama / Osaka / Nagoya / Sapporo / Tohoku / Hiroshima / Shikoku / Kyushu